3 min article

Making your listings more secure

We’re committed to providing the most secure platform so that eBay remains the number one destination for online shoppers. To do so, we require all listing pages to be updated to HTTPS to ensure they’re secure and in line with industry standards.

You can’t create new listings or relist items with non-secure content (HTTP). The listing will be blocked unless the content is updated to HTTPS.

Any existing non-secure listings will require an additional click to view the full item description and may be displayed as “not secure” in some browsers, so we recommend you update those as well. You can use our tools in Seller Hub to check if your listings contain non-secure content - opens in new window or tab and update them in bulk.


Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP. It means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted to protect your data.

On Google Chrome, if any of your eBay listings contain non-secure content (HTTP), potential buyers will see a “not secure” warning in their browser when viewing your items. Buyers who see this message may be less likely to buy your item.

Common HTTP content includes externally hosted pictures, cascading style sheets (CSS), HTML5 video and audio, and trading and inventory APIs.

If you don’t see a “view full item description” button when viewing your listings, it means they don’t contain non-secure content and will continue to display as normal.

Updating your listings to HTTPS

If any of your listings contain non-secure content, you should update them to HTTPS.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Use our tool - opens in new window or tab to identify your eBay listings that contain non-secure HTTP content.
  2. For any listings that are flagged, make sure all your resources from third-party domains (e.g. photobucket.com) are HTTPS compliant. You may need to contact some of the sites you use.
  3. Once you’ve confirmed that your domains support HTTPS, find all uses of “HTTP” in your listings and replace them with “HTTPS.”
  4. If you’re using a host domain that doesn’t support HTTPS, you can remove that content from your listings to make them compliant.

If you use a third-party selling solution, contact your provider for assistance identifying and updating non-secure content and making your listings HTTPS compliant.

Editing listings in bulk

You can edit up to 200 listings at once in Seller Hub. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Listings tab in Seller Hub - opens in new window or tab to see all the non-compliant listings (that are not yet secured with HTTPS).
  2. Choose up to 200 listings at once and select Edit.
  3. From the dropdown menu under Edit Fields, select Item Description.
  4. From the action dropdown menu, select Edit listings in bulk - find and replace.
  5. In the Find field, enter “HTTP.” In the Replace with field, enter “HTTPS.”
  6. Select Save and Close.

If you included non-secure HTTP content in your eBay listings, Google Chrome may display a “not secure” message, and buyers will need to select the “view full item description” button to see your full listing.

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