2 min article

Saving through combined shipping

Most sellers on eBay are happy to ship everything to you in the same package if you’re buying multiple items from them. You might also get a shipping discount because the seller saves money by combining items.

If you’ve already paid for a number of items you ordered from the same seller, and the packages haven’t been marked as shipped, the seller may still be able to combine shipping if you ask them.

Starting October 2024, some buyers will begin to see a Timing option when they place a bid on items that are eligible for combined shipping. They can choose Shop and ship separately to have their payment process automatically 1 hour after winning an auction, or choose Shop more, ship together to delay payment up to 7 days, to allow more time to combine shipping. Buyers can still choose to check out manually at any time.

How to combine shipping

Many sellers automatically combine shipping if you’re buying multiple items from them. All you need to do is add the items you want to buy to your cart and you’ll see the combined shipping total at checkout.

If the shipping section of the listing doesn’t specify shipping costs for additional items, you’ll need to ask the seller before you pay. If the seller agrees to ship the items in one package, they’ll send you a combined invoice detailing all the items and the new cost of shipping.

When you combine shipping, the seller will send you a combined invoice detailing all the items in your package.

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