1 min article

Your recently viewed items

You can find the listings for items you’ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items.

You'll need to sign in to your account to see your recently viewed items. If you weren’t signed in when you were browsing eBay, the listings you viewed won’t appear in your recently viewed items.

How to find your recently viewed items

You can find your recently viewed items in the following places on eBay:

  • Go to My eBay in the top right-hand corner and select Recently viewed 
  • Select Your Recently Viewed Items on the homepage - opens in new window or tab
  • Under Your Recently Viewed Items on the left-hand side of the search results page

If you’re looking for the listing of an item you were interested in but can’t find it in your recently viewed items, have a look at our article about finding a listing.

If you’re thinking about buying an item, you can add it to your Watchlist so it’s easier to find.

How to delete your recently viewed items

You won’t be able to delete individual items from your recently viewed items, but you can clear all items you’ve viewed.

To do this, go to Recently viewed - opens in new window or tab and select Clear all.

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